Article archive

Head Injury in Children (Maltese)

11/06/2010 14:29
Habta fir-Ras It-tfal sikwit jaqghu, iweggghu u jahbtu rashom. Kull habta fir-ras tista’ twassal ghal konsegwenzi serji. Il-genituri ghandhom dejjem ikellmu lit-tabib ghall-parir, u jekk il-habta tkun qawwija, imorru l-emergenza jew icemplu ghall- ambulanza. Daqqa fir-ras tista’ tirrizulta...

Motherhood in good times and in bad ones too!

09/06/2010 14:28
When I first found out that I was pregnant I was thrilled, my first thoughts were that my life was going to be complete and my marriage is going to become a family but then I was terrified. I was afraid that I won’t make a good mum and that I won’t be able to understand my baby. Months passed...

Shake It Dance Workout Classes for women now also on Mondays...

10/05/2010 11:10
Call on 99832923 for more info!

Upcoming Seminar 22nd May

10/05/2010 11:04
Let's Talk About Babies is organising another seminar for parents to be held on Saturday, 22nd May at 9.30 A.M at The Corinthia Palace Hotel & Spa, San Anton Talks to be discussed:   Speech Development ( 0-5 years) Childhood Obesity Sleeping Habits (0-to preteen...

Happily Ever After Storytelling Activity

29/03/2010 07:29
New & Upcoming Storytelling Activity for Mother & Child - 5th April at 5.30pm for more details call on 99832923

Dance Workout Sessions to be held on Wednedays too

06/03/2010 18:52
For more details call now on 99832923.

Croup by Prof. Victor Grech

17/02/2010 21:01
Croup is not only a condition but is actually a description of the characteristic sound that young children sometimes make when they develop laryngitis. Laryngitis is usually caused by a viral infection of the throat and the vocal cords (latin: larynx). This may cause fever, throat pain and...

Il-Gastroenterite fit-Tfal

14/02/2010 16:31
Il-Gastroenterite fit-Tfal X’inhi l-gastroenterite? Il-gastroenterite hi infezzjoni komuni fl-istonku u l-imsaren. Lit-tfal żgħar tista’ taqbadhom aktar minn darba fis-sena. Il-marda taf tkun ħafifa (ftit uġigħ ta’ żaqq u dijarrea jew remettar għal ġurnata jew tnejn) jew aktar serja (b’deni għoli,...

Il-Breakfast ghat-Tfal‏

06/02/2010 15:36
Il-breakfast hi meqjusa l-aktar ikla importanti tal-ġurnata. Wara li tkun ilek il-lejl kollu sajjem, il-kolazzjon jipprovdi l-enerġija għall-ġisem u l-moħħ biex tibda l-ħidma tal-jum. (Breakfast, ‘break the fast’, tikser is-sawma). X’inhuma l-benefiċċji tal-breakfast? Ir-riċerka turi diversi...

Shake It Dance Workout Classes

01/02/2010 14:33
A chance to get fit and tone muscles while learning new modern steps with various types of music and movements every week from latin american, street and pop! Join us for a 10 sessions programme every Friday from 6 till 7pm. Starting 26th Febraury. Reservations Line 99832923 or send an e-mail at...
Items: 11 - 20 of 40
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